Totally 80s Costumes and Party

Prior to 2020, other than Halloween, the only time my husband and I dressed up in any kind of costume was for a few 80s parties. The 80s parties are my favorite! So we hosted a party with some friends and family last summer. I’m going to share that with you as well as the 80s parties we attended over the prior years.

The commonly used slogan “I love the 80s” is true for me! I grew up in the 80s. And it continues to be my go-to for fun, upbeat music. What never fails to boost my mood is listening Hair Bands. Or as some call it, Glam Metal. The top of my list is Bon Jovi. But I love so many of them. I also enjoy most 80s dance/party music as well.

Growing up my sister and I, along with friends, attended many Hair Band concerts. These were back in the good old days of waiting outside in the middle of the night for tickets! And they were usually disappointing seats. But this never discouraged us. We always had a blast. Did anyone else wait out for concert tickets?

We saw Bon Jovi at least a few times. Then as an adult I have been back to see them for several tours. My husband goes along 😉. We also saw Poison a few years ago. But other than these two, my concert days were generally from my teenage years.

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Our First 80s Event

Back in 2018 my husband saw an email for an 80s party. At that point, Halloween was our only time for dressing up in costumes. So, I don’t think he realized costumes were encouraged! But he knows this is my decade and our thing was going out to dance so he thought I might enjoy.

But by the time we heard about it, the tickets were sold out. They said to check back closer to the date. I just let it go at that point. Then that morning my husband texted and said he checked and that tickets were available. So, due to my schedule, I had very little time to do a quick search to refresh my memory. I didn’t have much that worked so I had to make it quick with a shopping trip. I rarely go to Kohl’s, but we have one close by. They came to the rescue!  Click here for a 15% off coupon!

Fortunately, I found enough to put together my costume along with a few things I had. The neon sweatshirt, leg warmers, a bright scrunchie, colorful necklaces, big earrings, colorful rubber bracelets, and the wide belt I bought that day. I just added a jean skirt, white jean jacket and black pumps of my own.

I also had to come up with something for him.  This was before I was adamant about us being in couples costumes! So the best I could do was “Don Johnson.” 

For his, I found an old light colored sport coat in his closet and just paired it with light dockers. Add in a t-shirt and there you have it! I picked up a pair of black sunglasses that I thought resembled the 80s.

Back then I kept his costumes generally normal clothes but added in something to make it a costume… until our next 80s party!!  And it was after this one that everything became about couples costumes!

Hairbands and Groupies

Bon Jovi

Now for my favorite!

This was the beginning of my husband letting me put him in costumes! For anyone that has been here before, you know I clearly took it and ran with it! Those that are new here, click on any category or the Gallery to see our fun themes!

In 2019 there was an 80s party in the city. When we decided we would go,  I asked my husband if he was willing to change it up some? Meaning what he says?? I said how about a hairband guy? To my surprise he not only said yes he even suggested I get him some tat sleeves!! Haha! That didn’t happen, but this is because of the “guy” I chose for him!

I got him a long blond wig, a Slippery When Wet t-shirt, bandanna, 80s aviator sunglasses, a shark tooth necklace, a Superman tattoo and a steer tattoo. All from Amazon. Then I put holes in an old pair of his jeans. 

All accessories to look the part of … Jon Bon Jovi! Ok, so my husband is a half a foot taller and the wig wasn’t spot on, but I personally think he made a great version of the cool front man!

I was a groupie! 

We stayed in the city that night so everything had to be packed. I forgot my skirt! But I was lucky to have a pair of my workout leggings packed. This wasn’t my intention, but it worked along with a chain belt, and accessories. I wore a Bon Jovi bracelet with blank rubber bracelets, some long silver necklaces, all from Amazon. Then my big earrings from the last party, a Bon Jovi t-shirt and boot shoes that I had. Unfortunately, my big 80s hair didn’t hold up.


The next month, our dance studio (where we took ballroom dance lessons) had an 80s party. So of course we went! I loved his costume so I didn’t change him up at all. The only change for me was that I wore my originally planned skirt.

This time I took a picture at home before my hair flopped!

Good Things Come in 3s

Initially I was going to say three times a charm! But that usually means that the first two times failed. So, since my humble opinion is that they were a success, I changed the heading!

This was early January 2020. We attended with friends for my birthday! The place was packed, and he got a lot of attention! He was a big hit. It was cute when people asked if they could take their photo with him! More groupies!

For this one, I made some changes to mine.  This time I wore a fishnet top, hot pink tank and hot pink leg warmers, all from Amazon. Then I wore my same jewelry from previous events. Add a side ponytail and there was one more 80s outfit put together!

Time for a Change


After spending too much time thinking about what to do, I settled on Kiss for the next event. They still wore makeup through the early 80s.

But I knew I was doing the makeup so it couldn’t be too difficult. So I picked Paul Stanley. I have always told my husband that I wouldn’t make him wear makeup. But he would draw the line there any way! However, he was ok with this since it wasn’t makeup in that sense. I just didn’t add the white makeup, eyeliner or lipstick!

I bought him a new wig, a leather biker vest and painted on the star. The star isn’t the best, even though I used a star stencil, but it was obvious who he was supposed to be. Then I added some spikey bracelets and he wore black jeans that he had from another costume. I also wouldn’t ever make him wear tights. So this was as close as I could get to a costume. No platform boots either! Everything new was from Amazon.

This time I was a Kiss groupie. 

My hair was done 80s style (as big as I can get it these days!) and I wore red lipstick. I found a Paul Stanley t-shirt then I added in a choker collar, studded bracelets and a belt that reminded me of Kiss. All from Amazon. I had the big earrings, black (imitation) leather skirt, fishnets and studded boot shoe heels. They worked!

Party at Home

Tommy & Heather

First I want to say that this is NOT my favorite! To be honest, it is my least favorite of my costumes. I have no idea what possessed me to settle on this. I bought what I needed then some time passed before we had the party. When the time came, I didn’t like my costume but I chose to just wear it.

This was a party with family and friends at the end of the summer. But for privacy reasons, as with those above, I am not including their photos.  We had a lot of fun and everyone put in an effort to do something 80s!

We are Tommy Lee (from Motley Cru) and Heather Locklear. Here’s a side by side of what we were going for with this one.  As I said, not our best!

Blonde is not my color! But there was no way to be Heather with my long dark hair. So this was my first (and last!) wig. Then I found a dress that I thought was close enough. Both from Amazon. Her shoes aren’t showing so I just wore a pair of suede ankle shoes. I bought the flowers from Dollar Tree.

My husband’s costume was very easy. The only thing I had to buy was his wig.  His Paul Stanley wig was too short, so I didn’t like it for this. But I also knew Captain Hook in the Peter Pan theme was in the future and it could be used again. Then he wore one of his sport coats and a metal scarf that I had along with his shirt from our Pirate theme along with jeans.

Later, probably because my sister-in-law got tired of hearing me complain, she suggested I accessorize with some of my display items, just for fun. That was some improvement anyway!


The 80s themed decorations were minimal. But I thought it was cute (if I do say so myself)!

I simply displayed the various 80s accessories we had from the themes above. Then I printed some pictures from prior events.

We had a few t-shirts so I figured why not display them. This isn’t my best but I couldn’t come up with a good idea for how to hang them.

The food table was set with neon colors. I even found a jelly bag on Etsy and a slinky on Amazon. Over the table was another poster board with some of my favorite Hair Bands.

80s Themed Food

Things got hectic as always happens when the guests arrive and the food comes out, so I don’t have any photos of the table with the food. But believe me it was covered in 80s themed food and more neon colors!

The Menu

Dinner & Snacks

Sloppy Joes, Taco Salad Dip, Spinach Dip in a Bread Bowl, Macaroni Salad, Guacamole, French Onion Dip, Crab dip, Ruffles, Doritos, and Tortilla Chips.


Klondike Bars, Chocolate Eclair Ice Cream Bars and Strawberry Cake Krunch.


We also listened to 80s music!  But I made sure the playlist included all 80s music, not just my favorite hair bands!

Thank You

Thanks for reading! We hope you enjoyed and that you feel inspired to have your own 80s theme party at home or attend an event!

Let us know in the comments if you love the 80s too!

Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date with all of our themes, couples costumes, date nights at home and special events. You can also follow us on FacebookInstagram and YouTube.


28 thoughts on “Totally 80s Costumes and Party”

  1. The costumes are so vibrant and spot on for the 80s theme! I especially love the Kiss costumes! I always love seeing what themes you come up with, everything always looks great 🙂

  2. What a fun post, I still have clothes from the 80’s in my wardrobe (ha ha) living through the 80’s was crazy.. but then probably no more crazy than now… ha ha…

  3. You have a great look for the 80s! I;. an 80’s kid and have always loved the fashions and culture of the decade. Growing up in North England, a lot of our 80’s inspo came from watching American TV shows and movies. And then, of course, shows like Stranger Things have made the 80’s cool again so now I get to enjoy it all over again with my own teenagers… who pull of vintage styling a much cooler way than I could ever dream of!

  4. The 80s looked like such a fun time honestly! Another great round up of looks and costumes…you two always look like you’re having the best time with this!

  5. I absolutely love the idea of having an 80s party and I am living for your costumes!! You guys look great!

  6. Melissa Cushing

    There is nothing better than an 80’s dress up party like this! Love the costumes and there are so many fun ones to dress up as! I would have a hard time choosing which to dress up as I have so many 80’s favorites.

  7. Melanie Edjourian

    Oh wow, I do love this. You guys do really go for it. Great job with the costumes, you both look amazing!!!!

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