Happy Thanksgiving! Our first Thanksgiving at home

We had many firsts in 2020. Thanksgiving was our 10th Thanksgiving together, but our very first Thanksgiving at home! It was our first turkey and all the trimmings. For some reason holiday preparation has always been intimating to me. I generally cook well and most of my meals aren’t quick and easy. So why a turkey scares me, I do not know! But I concurred it, with help of course!

I was thankful for so many things that year. We were fortunate to make it through the pandemic with our health and no job issues. We were also grateful that our family and friends fared well also. But, in addition to that, I have to say how thankful I was for the help of my amazing husband in the kitchen at Thanksgiving. Well, really for his help always. But, on Thanksgiving, he handled the dirty work of preparing the turkey and most of the cleanup of my mess (I do try to clean up as I go) and all the clean up after dinner. I told you he is the best! Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of this. There is always next time!

Check out our YouTube video.

Besides the turkey, which was delicious by the way, we had what my mother normally serves: stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, and crescent rolls.  And yum, that is a pumpkin martini in my wine glass! 

Everything was perfect!  Also, our food pictures tend to be limited because everyone is ready to dig in.  So I have to move quick with the photos!

The room was festive with Fall decorations spread throughout. I know it is a little corny with the mini family, but it made me smile (and again now as I sort through the pictures). The mini dog and cat visit again at other holidays. Stay tuned.

Our fur babies are so cute!

We missed being with family, but because we couldn’t, we celebrated our first home cooked Thanksgiving meal together! It’s all about making memories.

I know this isn’t one of our typical themes at home. But we still wanted to share with you. Happy Thanksgiving!

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